
SummaryIntroduction. Arthrofibrosis or local adhesions of the knee joint is one of the mostcommon complications after injury or surgery. This disease often leads to permanentdisability and significantly worsens the quality of life, and if we are talking about themilitary personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they lose the opportunity to fullyperform their duties.Materials and methods. The article discusses clinical cases of successful surgicaltreatment of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with post-traumatic andpostoperative complete or generalized arthrofibrosis of the knee joint (AFKJ) on thebasis of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Eastern Region. However, despitethe widespread use of minimally invasive technologies for eliminating AFKJ in recentyears, performing a thorough intraoperative hemostasis, using pharmacological drugsand synthetic barriers to prevent the development of AFKJ, the problem of AFKJformation remains indeterminate for modern traumatology and orthopedics due toconflicting or unfavorable results.Results. The use of arthroscopic surgical techniques made it possible to eliminatepersistent contracture, inflammation and pain in the knee joint, which helped to shortenthe treatment period and completely restore the function of the injured limbs.Conclusions. AFKJ today does not lose its relevance and social significance due tothe high percentage of postoperative complications. Particular attention should be paidto the prevention and timely diagnosis of AFKJ, especially among the contingents ofpatients who have undergone surgery on the knee joints, in the number of patients aftermetal osteosynthesis of intra-articular fractures and cruciate ligament plastics. This willprevent the development of severe forms of the disease, significantly improves the resultsof treatment. The key to a stable clinical effect after surgical treatment with AFKJ is theearly start of active exercise therapy using contemporary methods of analgesia andmechanized devices.

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