
The article deals with the definition of theoretical and methodological aspects of the development and implementation of an export strategy for SMEs when entering the world market in a war. It was determined that despite the significant losses of beekeeping producers as a result of the war, the trend of steady demand for Ukrainian honey still persists in the world, as evidenced by the introduction of trade preferences by partner countries. It has been determined that the formation of an export strategy and the development of an export plan are the most important tasks of strategic planning for the launch of SME products on the world honey market. After all, strategic planning allows you to determine competitive advantages, evaluate the most promising export markets, and also gain new opportunities for development. The article defines the role of Ukrainian exporters in the world honey market. It has been determined that in recent years Ukraine has occupied a leading position among honey exporters in the world, successfully competing with such countries as China, India, Argentina and Vietnam. And also, an analysis of the key problems and prospects for the development of the export potential of Ukrainian producers of beekeeping products as a prerequisite for the formation of an export strategy was carried out. It has been determined that the main threats to the further development of the export potential of honey producers are a decrease in production volumes, a decrease in honey exports, in particular, due to the blocking of transport infrastructure by the Russian Federation, a further decrease in the purchase prices for honey in the domestic market, the death of bees and the loss of production capacity because of hostilities. An algorithm for the formation and implementation of an export strategy for SMEs when entering the world honey market is proposed. The advantages of implementing the Performance Management approach in the process of developing an algorithm for the formation and implementation of an export strategy when SMEs enter the world honey market are substantiated. They are: improving the efficiency of the implementation of the export strategy, strengthening the competitive advantages of the enterprise, improving the personnel management system due to additional motivation.

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