
The problem of achieving academic success and psychological well-being is connected with the search for factors that ensure the coordinated achievement of this goal. The aim of the work was to identify typological groups of students who either successfully solve this problem or fail to do it, as well as to identify the factors that help or hinder its solution. Among the factors considered are: conscious self-regulation of achieving goals, attitude to studying, academic motivation, and students’ personal features. The study was carried out on a sample of fifth grade pupils (N=231, age М=11, SD=0,28). Methods: “Scale of adolescents psychological well-being manifestations”, “Style of learning activity self-regulating”, “Scales of students’ academic motivation”, “Attitude to Learning”, “Big Five Children Version, BFQ-C”. We identified four groups of students, most of whom (78%) successfully coped with the task of simultaneously maintaining high academic performance and psychological well-being. The factors that demonstrated a significant effect were: regulatory processes of results evaluation and programming of actions, cognitive motivation, and achievement motivation. The obstacles were: high anxiety, inability to plan one’s learning goals, low level of responsibility, regulatory reliability, and flexibility. 22% of fifth graders cannot simultaneously maintain high well-being and academic performance. They need teachers and psychologists to help them to develop conscious self-regulation.

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