
Modern processes of globalizations, geopolitical changes, the tendency of Ukraine to become the European cultural and educational space – all this createing challenges for society to formation and preservation of self-identity, national con-sciousness and, at the same time, inter-ethnic tolerance. Among a number of issues today – is the pressing issue of the Ukrainian language. The activity of the discussions is due to the fact that Ukraine presents itself to the world as an internatinal formation, where are interwined the economic, socio-political, national, religious and confes-sional interests of nations; Ukraine’s fi ghting for her self-identity, and the Ukrainian people are fi ghting to be independent and free.That’s why to use language as foundations national-patriotic education of modern Ukrainian citizen is in the fi eld of our research. Solution of this problem is able to contribute od creative using philosoph-ped-agogic legacy of the outstanding scientist-linguist, patriot, theologian, cultural and religious fi gure Ivan Ohiienko (metropolian Hilarion). The pedagogical activity of Ivan Ohiienko is a component of his educational work. The wide fi eld of his teacher’s interests covered the problems of humanizing the educa-tional process, de-russifi cation of educational institutions, the spread of the Ukrainian language and spelling, and the formation of nationally conscious Ukrainians.We consider the statement of the pedagogic-thinker to be fair that a real conscious patriot of Ukraine can be raised only with help of the Ukrainian language and only on its basis can those qualities of the person be formed, which are aimed at protecting and defensing the honor of one’s nation, people and state.The key opinion of the past and the present, formulated by Ivan Ohiienko, is «For one people – one literary language, pronunciation and spelling».As a theologian and thinker, Metropolitan Hilarion defi ned the ten most impor-tant commandments of the native-language Ukrainian citizen-patriot, which are ex-tremely relevant in our time.In general, the «native language» concept of youth education, in our opinion, can be outlined in three aspects: realist, identifi cation/personal, social.Pedagogical, theological, linguistic, etc. achievements of Ivan Ohiienko are of unparalleled importance for the development of Ukraine, for the education of its fu-ture generations

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