
Crisis phenomena and speculations in housing construction led to strict state regulations to attract financing and investments in this area. In addition, an additional participant (intermediary) was entered into the system of economic relations, whose mission is to supervise and control the timely execution of construction and installation works and the effective use of financial resources received from investors. One of the possible forms of functioning of such intermediaries is joint investment institutes. Orienting these institutions to satisfy the interests of various groups of participants – investors and developers – requires establishing an appropriate management information support system, which is mainly based on accounting data. At the same time, the issue of taxation of operations for financing housing construction through joint investment institutions is no less relevant. The article is devoted to disclosing the peculiarities of accounting and taxation of housing construction financing processes through the creation of joint investment institutions. The methodological basis of this research is the methods of imperative analysis, deduction, graphic and comparison. The legislative and normative regulation of the functioning of joint investment institutes, particularly for the needs of the organization of housing construction financing, has been studied. Proposals regarding the accounting of the activity of corporate and mutual investment funds, as well as operations involving their attraction of investments to finance housing construction are substantiated. The peculiarities of taxation of these transactions with income tax and value-added tax under the imperatives of Ukrainian tax legislation are characterized. The practicality of using joint investment institutes as a mechanism for financing housing construction in Ukraine was argued to minimize investment risks, control spending and tax burden planning.

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