
According to the World Health Organization, the major health threats to the planet’s population are air pollution, non-infection diseases, vaccine refusal, antibiotic resistance, etc. Taking into account the whole complexity of the systemic links in the range of these issues, the discussion intensity on health will continue. That’s why, there’s no wonder the safety of human life as a whole and the philosophical reflection on the phenomenon of health are the subject of critical analysis of many modern researchers.The extent, to which a social subject’s health-preserving activity is effective, depends on a number of factors. The end result of health preserving activity is determined not only by the mental and volitional qualities of the person who puts it into practice. It is also a matter of the dialectical interaction of form and content of a personality’s health preserving culture, without which it is impossible to imagine a holistic vision of this problem under the current conditions.Health preserving activity of a social subject under the contemporary consumerism acquires specific features, the form and content of which are predetermined by traditional social practices that are inherent in a society of over-consumption.It is of utmost importance for every educated person to understand the real state of affairs in the interconnections between the elements of such complex mechanisms as a consumer society and health preservation. It means that the power of negative effects on the individual is being significantly increased, because it is not about demonstrating expenses on unnecessary clothes and accessories, which will harm only the consumer’s wallet, but about expending on health-preservation drugs, products and procedures. That is, the vitality of the human biological organism and the duration of their life are crucial.Personal responsibility to care about your own health will always go hand in hand with critical reflection on the information. Both personal responsibility and critical thinking are based on education. The more educated a person is, the greater his or her vitality and readiness to meet the challenges of today are.Thus, as a result of the lack or the absence of competent information on contents, false origin and consequences of the consumption of preparations, foods, goods and procedures, the content of the health-preserving activity is being distorted, and the form, while preserving external segments, becomes illusory in its essence.

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