
The Republic of Uzbekistan livestock and poultry farming state’s general overview in recent years and the main problems of its development is given. The full fledged detailed feeding role and its importance through the modern technologies for rations’ preparation, taking into account the of nutrients, breeding work with farm animals and poultry actual content through the simple and affordable rations by computer technology and digital technologies using creation are shown. To organize farm animals and poultry’s full fledged detailed feeding on private and small farms, a simple program is offered using of which is available for any farmer. At rations compiling within the Microsoft Excel program framework on one sheet by data on nutrition and the amount of feed entering, you can create a rations for any type of farm animals and poultry, taking into account their production and physiological state. At additional data input, the program will also allow to analyze this rations according to such indicators as energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate and mineral content, and as well as their ratio. The compilation of scientifically based rations by simple and accessible computer programs will allow to obtain maximum amount of livestock and poultry products in the Republic of Uzbekistan at their quality improving. By this program using the farmer enters normative or factual data on his nutritional value for farm feed, species’ feeding standards, production and physiological condition of farm animals and poultry. If desired, in this program, it can be analyzed the rations compiling, its disadvantages and advantages identifying, and it can also enter data on feed prices into the program in order to the compiled rations’ cost estimating. This simple ration preparation will allow to improve small farm livestock and poultry feeding, that will have a positive impact on genetic potential manifestation and farm animals and poultry production to increase.

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