
This paper intends to determine and systematize the basis, procedure, and conditions for accrual and financial compensation, as well as extra compensation for military personnel during martial law. The methodological basis of the research is a system of general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge, namely: dialectical, formal-logical, systemic-structural, and formal-dogmatic. The legal regulation of financial support and extra compensation for military personnel in Ukraine contains numerous legislative and by law norms. The lasting changes in the legislation, the development of scientific opinion regarding financial support, and the escalation of the war in Ukraine require the systematization of the grounds, procedure, and conditions for accrual and financial compensation, as well as extra compensation for military personnel during martial law. As a result of the study, the author’s own vision regarding the definition of the concept of financial support for military personnel is given. The main grounds, procedure, and conditions for accrual and financial compensation, as well as extra compensation for military personnel during martial law, have been established and systematized. A circle of controversial issues related to financial support and extra compensation, for the resolution of which the military personnel turns to the court, has been highlighted. The conclusions of the scientific research are based on an in-depth analysis of the current Ukrainian legislation, court practice and scientific literature, that reveal the issue on financial support and extra compensation for the military personnel. The results of the study can be used in the future for law-making, research activities of forensic institutions, practical activities, and other purposes.

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