
Background: Nowadays the necessity of technical upgrading of eclectic substations management has significantly increased. That is why selection of the best digital substation components among the available alternatives produced by different companies is a problem of multiple-criteria selection. Problems of multiple-criteria selection are solved by methods of expert evaluation combining experience, knowledge and intuition of the decision maker with modern technologies of automated decision support system. The most convenient method is the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). However, this method has a number of disadvantages: difficulty of pairwise comparisons, incoordination of separate evaluations, irregular sampling of the rate scale. Materials and methods: The criteria of comparative evaluation of digital substation component alternatives were determined by analyzing periodical press materials. The problem of multiple-criteria selection of technical components of a digital substation was solved by the modernized analytic hierarchy process method. Results: A direct analytic hierarchy process has been suggested to solve multiple-criteria selection problems. This simplifies the analytic hierarchy process by getting weights of the criteria and alternatives without pair-comparison matrix forming. Conclusions: The advantages of the direct analytic hierarchy process as an instrument for multiple-criteria selection of engineering solutions are: fewer expert evaluations; using a straight-line scale with low discrete pitch size; better adjustment of evaluations; more abilities for forming more comparable criteria and alternative groups; automatic solution to the problem of alternatives evaluation by extensible set of criteria.  «Вестник ИГЭУ» Вып. 2 2016 г.  ФГБОУВО «Ивановский государственный энергетический университет имени В.И. Ленина» 2

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