
Since the beginning of the 21st century, scientific discussions on the issues of sustainable economic development and socially responsible investing have intensified. This is explained by the lack of a direct correlation between GDP growth and environmental sustainability, which harms the natural environment and has a weak impact on the quality of society's life. The global business practice demonstrates new trends in the development of high-tech markets, the increased intensity of processes of market capitalization of innovative companies, and the multiplication of consumer capital of their clients, leading not only to a redistribution of power among global players in industrial and consumer markets but also creating new barriers to access to raw material resources. In the era of society's informatization and the accelerated replacement of technology generations, the processes of functioning and development of socio-economic systems are carried out in close interaction of all factors of production and various mechanisms of distribution of production, logistics, and marketing opportunities. Liberalization of foreign economic activity has affected the target orientation of the development of domestic markets, where the state increasingly relies on market mechanisms and introduces new incentives for private initiatives and industrial privatization, removing restrictions on trade and distribution activities. The openness of the country's national economy poses urgent tasks for redirecting capital flows (both public and private), attracting investors to environmentally friendly choices of innovative investment projects, and ensuring more sustainable entrepreneurial activities. The efficiency of using all factors of production in the conditions of deepening energy and socio-ecological crisis will depend on the holistic vision of top managers of the future perspective in the development of "producer-consumer" relations, as well as the argumentation of socially oriented policies with concrete results of multiplying social value. Global economic challenges require an adequate response from production and consumption management, as well as a functional reboot of the content of "producer-consumer" relations, redistribution of risks associated with the adoption of new eco-technologies, their commercialization for long-term perspective purposes – improving the quality of life and the growth of the social value of goods.

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