
In this article, the subject of the problem is that the social environment continuously is changing. That is why it`s inevitable for changes to occur in educational environments also, because education prepares the adolescent for his social existence as in the global society. A key task of modern education is to develop competences of the 21st century. Among them is socio-cultural competences which is important for child`s existence in the world of adults. The most important thing in modern education is to build in the child the ability to develop throughout life. More and more educators are looking for innovative methods and forms of work to help with the problems, mentioned above. The article proposes the team task as an innovative form of work for developing sociocultural competences in children. The publication`s hope is that it will reach to more teachers at the preschool stage because it is a fundamental stage for every child as a future student and later – an active citizen of the world.

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