
The article examines the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of forming social and reputational image for public companies in the context of value-based management. The authors propose a new approach to the assessment of management and consider the functioning of the company as a single organism that combines the effectiveness of using all resource potential together with the social development strategy and the results obtained. The study of the effectiveness of reputational and social image is built on the principle of goal decomposition. It is supposed to form functional subsystems characterizing leadership, company attractiveness and brand promotion, public and social image, business image and business reputation, corporate image, personnel potential, and professional activity, correspondence of accepted remuneration system to company’s goals and tasks, as well as programs aimed at stimulating labor and social security. The research assumes specification of seven assessment objects that would reveal the content of functional subsystems; the number of objects and assessment indicators are determined by the need to increase the amount of detailed information, the convenience of its use, as well as its openness and the possibility of an objective and accurate study.

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