
Modern mass media significantly influence the perception of certain social groups. Journalistic standards require adherence to the principle of language tolerance, avoid words and expressions that contribute to the formation of negative stereotypes. In this context, the study of age names used in the media is relevant. This aspect of research on language tolerance is not in the focus of special interest of researchers, in particular, given the deep rootedness of names with pejorative semes in everyday vocabulary in various fields, so speakers do not think about the meaning of tokens. The result is the formation of a negative, to some extent discriminatory stereotype of the elderly. The study found that the Ukrainian media use the phrases “person of sloping age”, “old person”, “elderly person”, “grandma”, “grandpa”, “person of respectable age”, “person in years”, “person of the third age”, “pensioner”, “long-lived”, while the word “senior” was not found in the analyzed texts. When referring to people of the same age, these words, however, differently mark these people, in particular, the phrase "person of sloping age", which is an official term, has negative connotations and, accordingly, forms the image of the elderly as a passive member of society. At the same time, it should be noted that the media seek to avoid this phrase, which is not always possible given its official status. For naming it is necessary to choose words and phrases that have a positive color or are neutral, indicate the experience of the older person, respect and esteem for her. Consistent adherence to the principles of language tolerance could result in a rethinking of official age-related terminology, breaking the negative stereotype of the older person as a passive, sick, incapacitated person for whom all the best is left in the past. By shaping the image of an older person as a socially active person, the media could contribute not only to changes in public opinion, but also to a new awareness by older people of their way of life and their capabilities.

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