
Today Ukraine is reforming the economic component of law enforcement agencies and creating a completely new body of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine, which is tasked with combating offenses that encroach on the functioning of the financial system of the state. The precondition for the establishment of a body to prevent financial offenses was the ineffective existing mechanism for combating economic crime in Ukraine. The liquidation of the State Fiscal Service is the final stage of tax reform in Ukraine. The establishment of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine to combat criminal offenses in the financial sector is a step towards building a strong, independent country and a priority requirement of the International Monetary Fund, which was included in the Memoranda of Economic and Financial Policies for 2017 and 2018. Although the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law of Ukraine “On the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine”, due to a number of organizational issues the Bureau was unable to work on time, and the deadline for launching the body was postponed for another 2 months. Without eliminating a number of shortcomings, the full launch of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine may be delayed for more than one month. Society is in need to create a single body to replace the police, economic units of the Ukraine’s Security Service and the National Police, which is a body that will be able to primarily perform analytical activities, rather than using force to put pressure on business. The process of establishing the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine is quite fast, but there are a number of nuances, the solution of which postpones the launch of the Bureau. How quickly the structure, staffing, regulations on the structural units of the central office and territorial offices, job descriptions of employees, determining the jurisdiction of detectives of the Bureau will depend on how quickly the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine will work. The creation of a body that will counteract offenses that encroach on the functioning of the state’s economy will have no chance of success unless the organizational and legal framework for its functioning is carefully worked out. The Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine should become one of the components of a clearly defined state policy in the field of combating economic crime. Key words: Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine, analytical function, law enforcement agency, risks in the economic sphere, Council of Public Control, economic offenses prevention, investigation.

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