
This scientific article is devoted to the study of the formation of communicative competence as an important quality of the secondary linguistic personality of a student. A feature of this work is the fact that the process and acquisition of communication skills of future philologists takes place in the conditions of the Turkish-Russian learning environment. We focused on learning the communicative competence of native Turkish students. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, it was revealed that one of the effective linguodidactic conditions for studying Russian as a foreign language in the Turkish audience is the use of storytelling method. In this article, we consentrated on the concept of storytelling and gave a description of the main types of this method: classical, active, computer, polyphonic, etc. The methodological aspect of the application of this method is shown on the example of studying the topic «Prepositional case of a noun», which is provided for in the curriculum of the dissipline «Gramere giriş» / «Введение в грамматику» at the preparatory course of Ibrahim Chechen University of Agri. We believe that the stages of creating and telling stories described in this article can also make a contribute to the effective formation of the communicative competence of Turkish students during the learning Russian as a foreign language.

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