
We examined male employees at a pulp and paper mill in Arkhangelsk to define risk groups based on frequency of deviations in the main endocrine parameters, i.e. cortisol, thyroxin (Т4), thriiodothyronine (Т3), insulin, somatotropin (STH) and tiroxin-binding globulin (TBG). The control was males who had not worked in the extreme production environment. The investigation stated functional changes in the endocrine system of the PPM employees. These include an exaggerated activity of the pancreas, increased STH production, and misbalance in thyroid hormones with increased levels of Т4 and decreased Т3. Contributing factors were age and work experience, as well as place of residence prior to the employment. Groups of the risk to develop de-adaptive states are 22–25 y.o. people with increased cortisol and decreased STH; 36–50 y.o. people with increased Т4, insulin and STH, and low Т3; people with work experience of 11–15 yrs. and high levels of cortisol, Т4 and somatotropin; people with work experience more than 16 yrs. with high levels of insulin, STH and low Т3level; employees migrated from south regions of this country.

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