
In traditional Islamic eschatology, it is claimed that Jesus Christ will return in the Second Coming with Imam Mahdi to kill the Al-Masih ad-Dajjal ('The False Messiah'), after which with the ancient tribes Gog and Magog (Yajūj Maʾjūj) would disperse. While the public is of the opinion that miracles are contrary to reason, it is contrary to reality to judge them by experience or reason, therefore the news that we have received through Allah and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, whether they understand us or not, is not reliable. What will be done about the issue of the second coming of Christ, which is related to several news of the Qur'an and Hadith, so it is not appropriate to judge it by reason and experience, regarding the words that have appeared in the Qur'an and Hadith, and believe in them. Jews are not only waiting for the arrival of their Maseeh, but they are making regular efforts to seat him on the world throne. Even muslims should prepare thereself as a nation and according to the needs and requirements of this time.

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