
The article is the result of two projects.  The first project is named „Evaluation of Russian Classical Literary Works at Lanzhou University” (2019).  The second project is named „Demonstration course project „Teaching Russian Literature” at Lanzhou University” (2019). The author of the article writes about features of studying the Russian language at universities in China.  The state has adopted the program „One belt and one path”.  China needs good specialists who know Russian.  Different universities teach students the Russian language.  Chinese universities cooperate with Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.  The author of the article writes about Chinese students.  Chinese students travel to other countries to study Russian.  Students have good practice.  Students participate in a competition where they check their skills of Russian language.  If a student won the Russian Language Competition, then he goes to other countries to learn Russian. There are special audiences in China.  For example, there are classrooms, where students speak only Russian.  There they watch films only in Russian there.  There they study Russian culture and history.  There they discuss interesting issues. Chinese teachers go to other countries.  Chinese teachers study Russian in these countries.  They are friends with foreign teachers.  They create common science projects.  Foreign teachers go to China.  Teachers teach Russian language.  Chinese students respect foreign teachers.  It is necessary to exchange teaching methods.  It is necessary to study the methods of education from other countries.  The author writes that it is necessary to create a group of scientists from different countries and China.  This group should create new methods of teaching the Russian language.  Author writes that China has a good system for learning the Russian language.  All problems can be well resolved.  To this day, the Chinese government has created the „One Belt and One Way” program.  This program will help to solve all problems.

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