
The researches are targeted at the efficiency increase of summer barley by application of various ways of soil main processing, in the conditions of insufficient moistening of Central Volga area. Researches were conducted in two the five-field crop rotations on pilot fields of «Agriculture, Soil Science, Agro Chemistry and Land Registry» depart-ment of the Samara GSHA in 2005-2008. The following options of soil main processing were studied: plowing on depth of 
 20-22 cm; loosening on 10-12 cm; zero processing. Average samples during three stages were investigated from the pilot field of all options of soil processing in triple frequency: in a phase of shoots, heading and after harvesting. Samples taken from various depths: 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm, were crushed and sifted. Assessment of total number and ratio of main groups of microorganisms in the soil were carried out by method of microbiological seed-ing of soil mixture on solid nutrient mediums. Content seeding was sterilized in the autoclave. Bacterial inoculation was made on the meat-peptonny agar (MPA), actinomycetes – on the starch-and ammonia agar (SAA), micromy-cetes – on Czapek's. The productivity of summer barley was determined by the mechanized method with regard to area. Soil microbiocenosis change under the influence of various ways of processing was considered. As a result of the conducted researches influence of the fallow tillage on productivity of barley is noted. Barley used with green manured fallow for seeding increases its productivity by 5.5%. Its influence on the general biogennost of the soil is noted. The traditional processing of the soil had no significant effect on productivity of the studied culture.

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