
The project "Intergenerational Dialogue /Artists of Gyumri" is implemented by the Armenian Educational and Cultural Foundation "REAL ART" and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Supports of Armenia. The project aims to reveal the secret of the cultural richness of Gyumri, to present the specifics of generational change in the sphere of fine arts and the development in it. From March to June 2023, 4 exhibitions were held in the exhibition hall of Gyumri Municipality (Curator: Arax Margaryan), they were presented within the scope of the project 4 presents: 9 artists from 4 painting families։ The works of father and son Mirzoyans, Ghukasyans, Manukyans, Hamalbashyans were presented, who work in different styles and techniques. The series of exhibitions proved how much potential Gyumri's fine art has, so it is too early to consider the topic exhausted, because other painting families are also active in the city, which implies that the project will have a continuation.

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