
Introduction. The article deals with the actual problems of educational activities of higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher education institutions. The study is based on the disclosure of the essence, structure and content of the concept democratization in relation to education and higher military education. The instruction on the use of the measurement of the integrated indicator developed technique of education and estimation of education levels in the higher military educational institutions by students (cadets) are presented in the study. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical basis for solving the problem of of higher military education and to develop methods for measuring and assessing the level of educational activities in higher military education institutions. Methods. The study was conducted using the following theoretical methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, classification, generalization and systematization; idealization and abstraction. Results. Methods for measuring the index of of higher military education and assessing the level of educational activities of military education institutions are presented in the article. Originality. The standardized questionnaire was developed in order to assess the levels of of education by students (cadets) of higher military educational institutions. Conclusion. The use of the developed techniques of measuring and evaluating the of military education in the pedagogical practice of higher military school will contribute to its further improvement.

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