
Using the method of shadow photography, we diagnosed the atomization of aerosol-spray forms of Inhalypt preparations of different manufacturers by key indicators of atomization quality: dynamic characteristics and disperse composition. Comparative analysis of dynamic characteristics and disperse composition of atomization of preparations for topical application did not reveal a leader in terms of the totality of atomization indicators. Objective. Selection of the most effective preparation according to the parameter of drug transport to the oropharyngeal mucosa on the basis of comparative analysis of key indicators of atomization of aerosol-spray forms of Inhalypt preparations of different manufacturers. Materials and methods. Objects of the study: two Ingalypt brand preparations in the form of aerosols produced by Pharmstandard JSC, Russia (1), Altayvitaminy CJSC, Russia (2) and two preparations produced by Esko-Pharm LLC, Armenia (3) and Firma VIPSMED LLC, Russia (4) in the form of spray for topical application. The method of shadow photography with digital image processing using the POLIS system was used to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of spraying and disperse composition of the spray. Results. On the basis of experimental data on determination of dynamic characteristics and disperse composition of aerosol and spray atomization of preparations of different manufacturers, compliance of the studied atomization parameters with optimal atomization of aerosol-spray forms for topical application was evaluated. Atomization parameters of preparations Nos. 1, 2 and 3 approximately equally correspond to the optimal dynamic and dispersion characteristics, but preparations No 1 and No 2 have a non-dosed aerosol form, which is less preferable in comparison with the dosed spray form, to which preparations No 3 and No 4 belong. The disadvantage of preparation No 4 can be considered to be its narrow cone of atomization. Conclusion. Comparative analysis of the dynamic characteristics and disperse composition of the spray of Inhalypt preparations obtained by the method of shadow photography did not reveal a leader among these preparations in terms of atomization parameters. Pharmstandard aerosol produces an optimal spray in terms of dynamic and dispersion characteristics, but its underdosed form is the main disadvantage of the drug. Key words: shadow photography method, Inhalypt, dynamic spray characteristics, dispersed spray composition

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