
Purpose: to investigate the influence of the application of the rhythm stimulation program on the dynamics of reaction rate indicators and technical and tactical preparedness of qualified boxers. Material and methods. Objects: 20 boxers aged 16,45±0,55 years with 7,30±1,55 years of training experience. The objects were divided into two equal groups (1 and 2) according to the results of the preliminary testing and did not differ significantly in terms of measured indicators (p>0,05). Methods: pedagogical observation, testing and experiment; reaction measurement; video shooting and video analysis. Results: аn analysis of input and output control indicators obtained as a result of testing was carried out. It was established that during the period of the study there were significant changes in all indicators of speed in athletes of groups 1 and 2 (р<0,05). An intergroup comparison of the test results at the end of the study revealed significantly higher values of the indicators of the speed of execution of striking combinations in the boxers of group 1. Modern sports training requires finding ways to increase the effectiveness of training with the use of natural stimulants. It was assumed that the use of rhythmic audio stimulation as a component of training tools for boxers will contribute to increasing the speed of execution of technical and tactical elements of boxing. The impact of the use of rhythmic stimulation in the training of boxers was established in terms of improving the speed of execution of technical and tactical elements, but not the speed of reaction. Thus, the use of rhythm stimulation in the training of experienced boxers in the preparatory period is justified and allows comprehensive and concentrated improvement of speed abilities in the annual macrocycle of training. Therefore, this approach is a promising way to overcome stagnation in the process of improving the speed of technical and tactical elements, which is observed in boxers of this age group and older. Conclusions. The obtained data contribute to the deepening of understanding regarding the improvement of the manifestation of various components of the speed abilities of experienced boxers. The use of rhythmic stimulation in the training of boxers will contribute to the improvement of the training process without changing the structure of the training process in the preparatory period, but as a qualitative addition to it. Further research will concern the use of rhythm stimulation in work with young boxers.

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