
This qualitative case study explored the collaborative relational structure of a research team of educators at Moonlight primary school (pseudonym), which enabled the mainstreaming of global citizenship education(hereafter, GCED) into the school over the past three years. To do so, this research employed the relational AGIL scheme(Donati, 2022) as a theoretical framework to analyze changes in the purpose, values, means, and norms of the research team’s relational structure. The findings revealed that the research team underwent transition from an initially contrived collegiality to a later reciprocal one, with the turning point marked by a change in leadership. The late-stage research team’s reciprocal relational structure was characterized by a pursuit of situational goals (G) related to the mainstreaming of GCED at Moonlight primary school, grounded in values of mutual respect(L), a sophisticated planning of various means(A) meticulously designed for mainstreaming GCED, and an emphasis on ethical responsibilities within teacher relationships(I), forming an AGIL relational structure. The key mechanism in shaping this reciprocal relational structure(AGIL) was the relational reflexivity of the research team members. They, as relational subjects, were able to recognise the relational order of reality, that is, we-‘relation’, a third entity constructed by team members that remains invisible but embodies the potential for teacher collaboration.

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