
Otitis in domestic carnivores, particularly in dogs, is an important problem in veterinary science and practice. Ac-cording to various Russian and foreign authors, the spread of otitis externa in dogs varies from 12.5 to 37%. The re-search goal was to study microscopic examination as an effective method for determining the composition of ear contentmicroflora in dogs. The research objective was to conduct a microscopic analysis of the collected material for the comprehensive diagnosis of otitis in dogs. The studies were carried out at the Department of Anatomy and Physi-ology of the State Agricultural University of Northern Trans-Urals and at the veterinary clinics of the City of Tyumen. The samples from 58 dogs were examined microscopically. All animals underwent initial examination. The samples were taken from both ears. The material was applied to a microscope slide, and then dried and Gram stained. The study revealed that in 15 dogs (35%) with suspected exter-nal ear inflammation, coccal forms of bacteria were found; that was indicative of the presence of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. Rod-shaped bacteria were found in 10 dogs (25%), indicating the presence of Proteus spp. and Pseudomonas. Yeast fungi were found in 17 individuals (40%). Fungi were represented by Mallasezia spp and, in isolated cases, Candida. In 42 individuals (75%) with sus-pected inflammation of the external acoustic meatus, the examination revealed bacteria and yeast fungi. The studies have shown that microscopic analysis is an important diag-nostic tool to evaluate the process of inflammation and identify the causes of secondary infection. This analysis may and should be used to identify the qualitative and quantitative composition of microorganisms in the patho-logical material from the ear canal content of sick dogs

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