
The aim of the study is to identify similar and different semantic components included in the semantic structure of the Russian lexemes «художник» and «живописец» and their English equivalents “painter”, “artist”. The article deals with the problematic issues of semantic relations arising between synonymous terms. A comparative analysis of synonyms semantics is carried out on the basis of lexemes that perform a terminological function in a special scientific field - art criticism. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time a comparative-contrastive analysis of the synonymous terms “artist” and “painter” in Russian and English is carried out to establish the context and the degree of their equivalence. As a result of the study, the synonymous terms for the words «художник», «живописец» and their English equivalents are identified, the classification of synonymous terms is carried out, and the reason for synonymy and the degree of unification of the studied terminology are revealed.

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