
Research of effect of prolonged drought on the development of vegetative organs of Lebanese cedar in the territory of Crimea, revealed that, though it generally is highly drought resistant, it nevertheless reacts to a lack of moisture by a certain decrease in annual growth and leaf length. To a greater extent, this reaction is registered on the Southern coast of Crimea than in the Foothill zone of the peninsula, which is probably due to the different soil conditions of these zones. The results of mathematical processing showed that the correlation coefficient between the length of shoots of Lebanese cedar growing on the Southern coast of Crimea and the amount of precipitation here in the period from January to June of the corresponding year is rshoots=0.865, and between the length of leaves and the amount of precipitation for the specified period rleaves=0.988. Along with the decrease in shoot growth and leaf size, a significant increase in the number of Lebanese cedar trees with male characteristics (male and monoecious) and the decrease in the number of plants forming only female cones were recorded in the dry 2019 and 2020 years. At the same time, the fact that Lebanese cedar formed a significant number of generative organs even in conditions of drought in Crimea is evidence of its considerable adaptation in the studied area, while changes in reproductive structure indicate the ability of the species to adequately respond to water stress. Data on damage to Cedrus libani trees by freezing winter temperatures during abnormally severe winters and their subsequent regeneration indicate the high plasticity of the vegetative system of this species and its ability to effectively recover both after massive freezing of the leaf apparatus and the shoot system.

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