
One the base on the statistical materials of the 1926 census author prepaid tables containing information on the number, ethnic composition and territorial location of the population of Mohyliv and Tulchyn districts as a whole and district centers of Mohyliv and Tulchyn. It has been proven that the Ukrainians composed the absolute majority among the total population of Mohyliv and Tulchyn district and a relative majority among the entire population of Mohyliv and Tulchyn. It was established that the absolute majority of the entire population, Ukrainians and ethnic minorities lived in districts outside the district centers, and the level of urbanization of the population remained rather insignificant. Therefore, the ethnic composition of the population of both of these districts could be quite significant differ from the ethnic composition of the population of both district centers. It was determined that the average of the entire population of Mohyliv and Tulchyn, the level of the share of Jews who mostly lived in cities, and the level of the share of other ethnic minorities was insignificant. Among the rural population of both of these districts, the absolute majority was Ukrainians, and the level territorial representation of ethnic minorities was minimal. That is, they were observed there are noticeable differences in the ethnic composition of the population of the district centers and districts of the East Podillia: Mohylivska and Tulchynska districts. This makes it possible to emphasize the fact that ethnic composition and territorial location of the population in the districts of Eastern Podillia quite noticeably differed in the urban and agrarian settlement environment. After all, the absolute majority of Ukrainians in rural areas among the entire population in rural areas changed to a relative majority among the entire population of urban environment. Instead, the opposite trends were observed in relation to ethnic groups minorities. Their share among the entire population in the agrarian environment was insignificant, however, among the total population in the urban environment, ethnic minorities constituted a much larger share compared to rural areas, where only dispersed residents lived individual representatives of ethnic minorities.

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