
The ceramic dishes belong to the category of mass archaeological sources in the study of the Pazyryk culture of the Scythian-Saka time. However, the degree of study of such products leaves much to be desired, although their information potential is beyond doubt. In this case, not only quantitative indicators and qualitative characteristics are important, but also the implementation of the program of interdisciplinary analysis, as well as the history of detection. The article examines the process of accumulating information about the fi nds of the clay vessels at the initial stage of excavation of the sites of the Pazyryk culture. From 1865 to 1929, expeditions led by V. V. Radlov, N.M. Yadrintsev, S.I. Rudenko and other researchers explored the Altai Region. In the course of this work, a lot of information was obtained, which is still in demand today. The results of the first analytical conclusions and their interpretation are noted. Color illustrations of some jugs are given. It is noted that some finds could not be found in the museum collections. There are problems with the level of publication materials, which requires additional archival research.

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