
Currently, tea, coffee, cocoa and food products, basically produced using this agricultural raw material, to one degree or another, are an important part of the diet of the population of almost all countries of the world. At the same time, these types of pro- ducts have not only nutritional value, but also, in the recommended consumption rates, have an invigorating and curative effect on the human body, and also occupy a special significance in the culture and traditions of some peoples, moreover, very numerous. Despite the fact that these three plants have a different history of origin and initial use in ancient states, the period of colonialism had a serious impact on the spread in other regions and countries of the world both the production and consumption of these types of plant products. In the process of research, based on the use of statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) during 1961–2019 years tendencies of changes in gross harvests of tea, green grain coffee and cocoa beans in the world as a whole, as well as the physical volumes of their international trade in export and import were considered. In general, the global circulation of tea, coffee, cocoa, starting with the cultivation of these plants, the production of appropriate raw materials for their subsequent transformation into food products, and ending with their use as drinks, including within the framework of the established traditions of specific peoples, has a very deep significance in the life of our civilization. In particular, recognizing the long history of tea cultivation and its deep cultural and economic significance, both in terms of production and consumption, the UN General Assembly proclaimed in May 21, 2021, International Tea Day, calling on FAO to lead and organize related events.

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