
As a result of many years of research on the energy and nutritional value of various perennial herbs and their mixtures on soddy-podzolic soil in the Upper Volga region, as well as the calculation of the possible gross milk yield when fed, it has been established that festulolium in a single-species sowing is superior to timothy grass both in control and on the background of mineral nutrition. On average, over five years, its green mass yield was 2.7 more, dry matter by 0.41 t/ha, fodder units and metabolic energy yield by 0.54 thousand/ha and 5.6 GJ/ha in control and 3.7, 0.58 t/ha, 0.75 thousand/ha, 7.3 GJ/ha, respectively, against the background with mineral fertilizers. The productivity of variable alfalfa was higher than that of red clover. In mixed crops, the most productive on both agricultural backgrounds was the grass mixture of alfalfa and festulolium, which surpassed the clover-festulolium mixture in the collection of fodder units by 2.48 thousand/ha, exchange energy — by 31.1 GJ/ha in control, by 2.68 thousand/ha and 12.3 GJ/ha, respectively, against the background of mineral nutrition. Mixtures of alfalfa and clover with festulolium are the most balanced in terms of sugar and protein. Their sugar-protein ratio was 1.63 and 1.04 in the control and 1.60 and 1.30 in the presence of mineral nutrition, and the provision of the feed unit with digestible protein corresponded to the zootechnical norm or was close to it. The highest yield of milk, both in terms of exchange energy and sugar, is provided by a mixture of alfalfa with festulolium — 10750 and 12050 liters in the control and 12287 and 13910 liters against the background of mineral nutrition, the smallest is timothy meadow in a single-species sowing.

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