
Various methods of excrement, manure, dung and organic fertilizer characteristics determining in depending on the animals’ types (cattle, pigs, poultry), manure and dung processing’s technologies for climatically active substances (methane and nitrous oxide) emission calculating at various levels have been studied. The conducted studies have shown that to calculate greenhouse gas emissions - methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) - from manure and dung processing by level 1systems’ method (a simplified method in which only data on livestock/poultry are required to estimate emissions, broken down by animals species/categories/subcategories, climatic regions or temperature conditions in combination with default emission factors) using it is more rational a calculation method based on the guidance documents’ values using. The values from the guidance documents are aggregated and do not fully reflect specific livestock/poultry complex situation, however these data are sufficient for this method’s level 1 calculating. For manure and dung greenhouse gas emissions systems processing more accurate calculations, the level 2 method is used (but more detailed information on manure and dung processing technologies is needed). It requires animals/poultry production data, used feed rations and weight gain during each reproduction cycle. The method of quantitative and qualitative excrement’s characteristics calculating based on the mass balance meeting these requirements. Analytical methods for the excrement, manure, dung and ready made organic fertilizers characteristics determining for each batch of fertilizer applied to agricultural land must be applied. The protocols’ values obtaining from laboratory analysis can also be used to greenhouse gas emissions from manure and dung processing systems calculating by the level 2 method using.

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