
This article focuses on the methodical positions of use of the integrative approach in the professional training of art teachers. The relevance of this approach (in terms of socio-historical, national and educational factors) is substantiated in various aspects. The author emphasizes the need to train the teacher of the New Ukrainian School as a specialist, who is capable of independent innovative artistic and educational activities of integrative content, in particular in the context of teaching the “Art” discipline. The process of teaching the course “History of Music” in a higher education institution was chosen as a medium of using an integrative approach as a system-forming mechanism for the professional and pedagogical formation of a future specialist. Considering the previous musicological experience of the higher pedagogical education students, an integrative approach is noted as one that allows the teacher to differentiate the content of the discipline, to individualize and professionally direct the educational process, providing it with the necessary continuity in the way from basic knowledge, skills to systems of knowledge and system of skills. The meaning of “Integration” has been explored in the philosophical and pedagogical aspects. The specificity of kinds of the integrative mechanism was analyzed in terms of substantive and processual criterias. The artistic development of the individual was highlighted as an important indicator of the professional competence of the art teacher. Its structure under consideration was suggested as a Differentiated object of Integrated Impact in Music History Course. Objects of artistic integration in the educational process identified the intellectual, emotional-value and activity components of the personal artistic development of the potential teacher. The forms and methods of implementation of the integrative approach are summarized according to suggested structure. The article describes examples of the practical experience of the author, illustrating the peculiarities of using different kinds of integration as a mechanism of differentiated and holistic influence on the artistic development of a future teacher of the integrated course “Art”.

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