
Requiem on the Great Meridian is a play created by Junji Kinoshita based on the medieval work Heike Monogatari. In Heike Monogatari, the Battle of Danoura is described as a battle that Genji defeated Heike, who had usurped the throne. The fall of the Heike, symbolized by a tragic death, is a process of restoration of royal power. However, Requiem on the Great Meridian shows the division within the Heike by emphasizing the different views of the Imperial Regalia of Japan in the Battle of Danoura. The unexpected results of the major generals who participated in the war and the disappearance of the Imperial Regalia of Japan to the sea raises the question of what this war is for. It also emphasizes the inhuman aspect of war by emphasizing the death of the people due to war. This can be said to be a reverberation of Junji Kinoshita's anti-war tendency, who suffered defeat and World War II.

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