
The article analyses the industry in the northern regions of Russia from the point of view of assessing the practical results of the traditional theory of competition. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the transformation of economics from the ideas of rivalry to unity and harmony in social relations. The relevance of the topic is determined by an active public discussion about the possibilities of Russia's transition from a market-capitalist to a social, human-oriented economy. It is shown that the main existing model is aimed either at the individual benefit of organizations, or at the attractiveness of industries for corporate or state interests, but not at the needs of the common person. The idea of the increasing attention to “people of labor” by bringing all the analyzed indicators to a single denominator — one employed — is defended. The following empirical research methods were used: observation, comparison and visualization. On the example of industry of the northern regions of Russia, ultra-hight intersectoral and interregional imbalances were revealed, arising, according to the author, due to the lopsided orientation of enterprises to maximize profits and the export and resource structure of the economy. The ratio of value added elements by region is demonstrated, the classification of territories is carried out depending on the combination of these components. The low-suitability of the classical understanding of competition to solve issues of capital overflow and equalization of profitability is indicated. The thesis is put forward about the possibility of overcoming the existing problems by the internal spiritual and moral transformation of managers and workers themselves, the transition from competition to cooperation. The prospects of the study are associated with the expansion of the toolkit due to social indicators, as well as in the study of the micro-level — municipalities, sub-sectors, and the primary reporting of organizations.


  • В ближайшие годы геоэкономическое противостояние и конкурирующие позиции мировых держав в Арктике будут нарастать

  • The Chinese economy has grown at a faster pace, which is a consequence of the unprecedented expansion of China in world markets

  • Использование предложенных форм могло бы служить основой для практической реализации переработки хвостов, образующихся в результате получения апатит-нефелинового концентрата, и для получения в качестве готового продукта неорганических сорбентов, материалов для электроники, герметиков на основе диоксида титана, функциональных редкометалльных соединений, порошков редких металлов для конденсаторной и других отраслей промышленности для их последующего использования и удовлетворения нужд собственного производства или продажи в качестве готовой продукции

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10. Building a New Carbon Economy

An Innovation Plan // Center for Carbon Removal, 2019. URL: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b9362d89d5abb8c51d474f8/t/5b98380721c67ca6485cf282/1536702476 202/ccr02.innovationplan.FNL.pdf (дата обращения: 10.11.2021). Ключи к устойчивому развитию Арктической зоны Российской Федерации: модель циркулярной экономики и логистическая инфраструктура / Н. Е. Инновации и формирование циркулярной экономики как элемент устойчивого развития северных ресурсных регионов // Интерэкспо ГЕО-Сибирь 2020.

22. Towards a Circular Economy
35. Putting CO2 to Use
37. The world has vast capacity to store CO2
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