
A study of the current state of research and development in Ukraine was implemented. In particular, the analysis of trends in the number of scientific personnel engaged in research activities, analyzed the costs of research and development and their structure by type of research and industry. By studying the dynamics of changes in the share of expenditures on research and development in the GDP of the EU and Ukraine, it was found that the share of R&D in Ukraine's GDP is below the EU average and much lower than leading leaders such as Germany and Slovenia. At the present stage of development of the domestic economy, the share of innovative enterprises in Ukraine is about 18.4%, most of which carry out technological innovations. In 2017, according to Forbes Ukraine ratings, the top 20 innovative enterprises of Ukraine were selected, which included 5 agricultural enterprises: Myronivsky Hliboproduct, Nibulon, Svarog West Group, AgriLab, Kernel. We offer the innovative experience of these enterprises for implementation in other agricultural enterprises and their associations to improve the innovative component of the industry as a whole. As a result of the analysis of the age structure of scientific personnel engaged in research and development, a negative trend towards the aging of the country's scientific potential was revealed, and the share of scientists under 49 is a little more than half of scientists: 52.5%. This has a very negative effect on the results of innovation and investment projects and the speed of their implementation in production. The structure of expenditures for research and development by sources of funding in 2019 was analyzed and the predominance of public funds and low interest of private investors in investing in innovations of domestic agricultural enterprises were revealed. Measures are proposed to improve the situation with scientific personnel through state grants and other means of material incentives for young scientists to conduct scientific research in the agricultural sector. Further research is planned to highlight specific factors that negatively affect the innovation and investment activities of agricultural enterprises.

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