
The first results and the analysis of the effectiveness of the program aimed on installation of artificial nests in the Daurian steppe in the vicinity of the Daursky State Nature Biosphere Reserve (South-Eastern Transbaikalia; Russia) for the period from 2016 to April 10; 2019 are presented in the article. The goal of the program is to assist in the restoration of populations of Saker Falcon ( Falco cherrug ) and of the Upland Buzzard ( Buteo hemilasius ) which are strongly affected by negative anthropogenic factors. The program is carried out in conjunction with activities aimed to eliminate the mass bird electrocution on power lines. This is the first experimental stage of the program that should help us in choosing the optimal design for artificial nests. Ten artificial nests were installed in April of 2016 and10 in September of 2017. Four types of nests made of willow rods; water-resistant chipboard and wood were used. The Saker Falcons occupy preferably the closed-type nests; the Upland Buzzards - open platforms. The artificial nests ensure successful breeding of birds. The results of occupation of artificial nests; the breeding success and the causes of death of offspring both in artificial nests and in nature are discussed in the article.

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