
The aim of the study is to identify the functions of intertextual references in modern Russian children’s and young adult prose in the aspect of the “one’s own - alien” dichotomy. The paper examines intertextual references (allusions, quotations) found in works of modern literature in Russian and addressed to children and adolescents. The scientific originality of the study lies in determining the functions of intertextual references reflecting the “one’s own - alien” dichotomy at the intratextual and metatextual levels in works for children and adolescents. The paper analysed children’s and young adult prose works written in the XXI century in Russian, highlighted references to works of Russian and foreign literature, determined the functions of the identified intertextual references in the aspect of the “one’s own - alien” opposition at the intratextual level associated with plot development and at the metatextual level reflecting the dialogue between the author and the readers. As a result of the study, it has been shown that the text elements under consideration in children’s and young adult works can perform the plot-forming function at the intratextual level and the informative, educational, secret code, emotionally expressive and play functions at the metatextual level.

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