
The relevance of the study of the partnership model of interaction between government elites and civil society and the problems of its formation in modern Russia is due to the fact that effective interaction between the state and civil society institutions can benefit both subjects under consideration and contribute to the progressive development of the country as a whole. The paper concludes that the optimal model of interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions presupposes equality of the actors under consideration: here a strong state exists along with a strong civil society, and relations between them develop according to the type of partnership. The author emphasizes that the partnership model as a special type of interaction between the state and civil society assumes that public authorities do not seek to manage nongovernmental organizations as basic structures of civil society, but, on the contrary, are focused on dialogue with NGOs, the widespread use of various "negotiation platforms" and other forms of civil dialogue. A significant obstacle to the formation of partnerships between the state and civil society, based on an equal dialogue between the government and the public, is the low level of prestige of the so-called public activity in the eyes of the vast majority of the country's population. The organization of effective interaction between public authorities and civil society structures in our country is hampered by the general attitude of the ruling political elite towards public associations, which is characterized by the desire of the authorities to exercise control over any initiatives emanating from citizens and their organizations.

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