
The subject of the study: teeth, anomalies in the development of forms.
 The purpose of the study: to analyze the literature data on the study of the morphofunctional parameters of teeth in the evolutionary aspect.
 Methodology. Search for publications in the scientific and medical library of Omsk State Medical University, on external databases Elibrary, Cyberleninka, PubMed, Embase. Review of 33 literary sources has been carried out for the period 2012–2022 (16 domestic, 17 foreign). The received information is processed, systematized and presented in text format.
 The results: Most anomalies and deformations of the shape of the teeth are polyetiological in nature. The complex influence and interaction of genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors leads to a violation of the form. function and aesthetics of teeth. The process of occurrence of dental anomalies is multilevel, multidimensional and progressive. Pathological processes associated with the loss of hard tooth tissues during a person's life also lead to a change in the shape of the teeth. For example, caries is one of the most common dental diseases. It has been established that dental caries is an infectious process that occurs under the influence of several groups of factors. According to the World Health Organization, the incidence of dental caries ranges from 80% to 98%, which indicates the need for widespread implementation of prevention programs among all age groups.
 Conclusion. It is necessary to conduct interdisciplinary research to bridge the gap between understanding the molecular events that occur during odontogenesis and the essence of clinical observations characterizing the degree of variability in the shape, size, defects of teeth (anomalies, deformities, lesions) under the influence of genetic, environmental and epigenetic factors.

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