
The article discusses some areas of improvement and development of the state system of counteraction to the shadow economy in order to ensure the economic security of Russia. Based on the study of modern trends in the development of the socio-economic system of Russia, it is shown that the current state of affairs in the socio-economic system of Russia requires the development and adoption of a socio-economic policy (strategy) to counteract the shadow economy of the state, which can be understood as the activity defined by strategic and tactical plans. bodies of state power and management to dedenevize the country’s economy with clearly defined goals and objectives of each involved department. Within the framework of the proposed study, it was determined that in Russia there is no complex regulatory act that determines the policy of the state with clearly defined goals and objectives of countering the shadow economy. In the absence of such a regulatory legal act, all measures to counter the shadow economy implemented in Russia can be characterized as targeted measures to counteract individual manifestations of the shadow economy without taking into account both regional specifics and strategic interests of ensuring the economic security of the state. To solve the problems highlighted in the study and in order to improve and develop the state system for countering the shadow economy in order to ensure the economic security of Russia, within the framework of the proposed article, a mechanism for countering the shadow economy has been developed, which will ensure the coordination and participation of all interested parties in the de-shadowing of the Russian economy. The mechanism of the state system of counteraction to the shadow economy proposed in the scientific article will give an economic and social effect when introduced, which can be calculated as the ratio of the obtained positive effect from reducing the scale of the shadow sector of the economy and increasing the economic security of the state to the costs incurred for the implementation of the proposed mechanism.

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