
The article considers innovative approaches to the study of the Ukrainian language in the mode of distance learning by future primary school teachers, which is important for their professional development, defines the concept of “information and communication technologies”, analyzes those that promote effective learning in accordance with the Standart of Higher Education. The article presents the experience of implementing ICT tools in the process of learning of Ukrainian language by students of specialty 013 Primary education of the Kolomyia Educational-Scientific Institute of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. We are convinced that the search for effective methods and forms of organizing the work of students in modern conditions obliges the lecturer to implement ICT tools that can provide a comprehensive, consistent, active and systematic study of the state language. We consider ICT as a wide range of electronic educational resources, among which we single out those that promote the study of the state language at a high professional level, namely electronic courses of lectures, electronic practicums and dictionaries, electronic methodical recommendations and program requirements, didactic materials, test tasks for control and self-control online. Based on these resources, the lecturer creates an electronic training course on the study of the Ukrainian language and places it on the platform of distance learning of the university. Thanks to video meetings, free access to the necessary online services and online resources future teachers have the opportunity to improve the knowledge of the state language. Prospects for further research are aimed at finding effective innovative methods, forms and tools for working with students majoring in 013 Primary Education to deepen their cognitive and practical skills and communication skills between the subjects of the educational process, enriching oral and written speech in the course "Modern Ukrainian language with a workshop "in terms of distance and blended learning.

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