
The problems associated with the use of fiction as a means of forming the worldview of students of a technical university are analyzed in this article. The place and role of fiction in the formation of the personal value system are indicated, as well as the conditions for its use in work with Russian-speaking and foreign students are formulated. Based on the results of the study, the authors identify the problems associated with the perception of this type of didactic material. They offer the most effective teaching technologies for the use of fiction in a technical university, indicate their advantages over other teaching aids and formulate specific recommendations for their use in the educational process. It is summarized that the low level of reading culture and the lack of formation of the skills of literary and artistic analysis of works among students of technical universities reduce the level of assimilation of educational material, including causing difficulties in identifying axiologically significant information. Overcoming the emerging difficulties is facilitated by the use of multimedia presentations and tests, which make it possible to activate the educational and cognitive activity of students and create an emotional mood favorable for mastering the humanitarian content among students of technical universities.

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