
Relevance. In the corporate agreement that participants of a business company have the most accurate reflection of their agreed decisions on issues related to the order and conditions of disposal of the most valuable assets of the company, including exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity, which belong to the company or will appear to it in the future taking into account the dynamics of civil legal relations, including those associated with the creation and use of such results. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical provisions capable of improving the legal regulation of issues related to the conclusion and execution of corporate agreements by participants of business companies, strengthening the ability of participants to monitor compliance with the agreed parties to corporate relations order and conditions of decision-making on the management of the economic society, as well as the company's property and intangible assets, including exclusive rights to works and other results of intellectual activity, belonging to the economic society. Objectives: identify the problems associated with the features of legal regulation of corporate agreements in domestic law, including with regard to the right of control over the disposal of property and intangible assets owned by such companies; to determine the directions of further development of legal regulation of the issues under consideration. Methodology. The dialectical-materialistic method, systematic method, methods of analysis and synthesis, formal-legal method were used. The results of the research are theoretical and applied character and are aimed at improving the quality of legal regulation of civil relations. The conclusions made in the article are of a discussion nature, aimed at continuing research in the framework of the stated topic, the development of basic principles that allow a uniform way to solve problems associated with the conclusion and execution of corporate contracts, including issues related to the use 6of works and other objects of intellectual rights. The article is a continuation of scientific research of the author on the issues addressed in it.

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