
The paper presents proposals for the development of programs to improve energy efficiency of educational institutions on the example of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The energy management of the university is planned to be carried out through remote monitoring and creation of an automated workplace of the energy manager with integration into the educational process. The aim of the work is to improve innovative management methods of energy management, taking into account the relationship of energy sources, thermal protection of building fences, the parameters of the microclimate of the premises. The facilities, which are on the balance of the university, are a platform for research work, subject to the cooperation of the Energy Management Service with various structural units. As part of the development of the energy efficiency program, a technical and economic analysis of the proposed energy saving measures using engineering calculation methods was performed, as well as experimental measurements were performed. Statistical data processing, methods of grouping, comparison, generalization were used, and for the decision of separate problems modeling in specialized software products was carried out. With the involvement of the scientific potential of the university, a system of remote monitoring based on software is gradually introduced, which includes a geoinformation map of engineering networks and buildings, monitoring of parameters in the premises and an analytical unit with the ability to predict energy consumption. Key words: energy consumption, monitoring, automation, energy efficiency program, educational institution, buildings, thermal modernization

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