
The article analyzes the regulatory and legal framework of the information and educational environment116of higher educational institutions and identifies ways to improve it, which will provide conditions for the effective implementation of distance education.The purpose of the article is to determine ways to improve the legal framework of the information and educational environment of higher education institutions, which will provide conditions for the effective implementation of distance education.Taking into account the existing trends, the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2021-2031 defines the mission of higher education, which consists in ensuring "sustainable innovative development of Ukraine through training of highly qualified specialists, creation and dissemination of knowledge, formation of intellectual, social and spiritual capital of society, ready for the challenges of the future"In accordance with the mission of higher education outlined in the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2021-2031, the advantages, disadvantages and opportunities of the educational system of our country were analyzed; the priority principles of the development of domestic higher education were formed, including academic freedom, orientation to ensuring the quality of education, orientation to the comprehensive development of the individual, inclusiveness and diversity. Ways to achieve the tasks set in the strategy are specified in operational goals, one of which is the introduction of innovative technologies and distance learning in higher education. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been defined: creation of an industry of innovative technologies and teaching aids that meet the global scientific and technical level; digitization of all processes in the higher education system; normalization of distance learning as a form of obtaining higher education.The internationalization of higher education is seen as a logical and irreversible process in the conditions of the globalization of society, which calls for an increase in the number of intercultural programs and the creation of appropriate regulatory support for their successful functioning. Therefore, we believe that Ukraine's entry into the world educational space requires a balanced approach, taking into account possible prospects and the use of the intellectual potential of national educational institutions, which should be reflected in the relevant regulatory acts.Considering the complexity and multifacetedness of the chosen topic, we consider the need for further theoretical research and their practical implementation to be the perspectives of scientific exploration.

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