
Initial ideas for a multi-aspect analysis of vocal gestures (as an indication of a physiological reaction) and interjections (as linguistic signs) in the Bulgarian language on material from Bulgarian cartoons (The Three Fools by D. Donev) are presented. Intonational layout, gestural accompaniment, context and situational conditioning help to identify the meaning and disambiguate vocal gestures. Cartoons are used as an analogue of the multimodal Russian corpus as a source of illustrative examples. E. I. Grishina's methodology for describing vocal gestures in the Russian language and the possibilities of its application for the analysis of similar units in Bulgarian cartoons are examined. A classification of verbal gestures is presented, consisting of three groups: 1) exclamations, 2) interjections, 3) particles. Examples from cartoons can be used as illustrative material. They have a significant hitherto unused research, scientific-applied, linguistic didactic potential.

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