
The subject matter of this article is a topical issue regarding distance learning in context of higher education. The general aim of the paper is to consider peculiarities of distance learning model in the process of primary school teachers training. Due to the analysis of scholarly literature it is revealed that the development and implementation of distance learning into the educational process is an important in termsof theory and methodology of higher education. Therefore it requires specification, theoretical and informative content of professional training, definition and introduction of appropriate models of training for primary school teachers, normative and educational support of the educational process. It is found that the certain system is singled out as an invariant of the organizational and didactic system of distance learning for future primary school teachers at Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University and this system has its own specifics. It should be added that on basis of the study of distance learning implementation peculiarities at Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University a model of an invariant organizational and didactic system of distance learning for students of Educational Program «Primary Education» was developed. The developed model includes the following blocks: conceptual-target block (provides an increase in motivation for self- improvement and self-learning throughout life); content-procedural block (provides the unity of the content of academic disciplines, the unity of ways of learning the content and their compliance with this content); operational-activity block (consists of three parts: motivational, cognitive-procedural and control-evaluation); resultative block (provides monitoring of professional training of future primary school teachers). It is defined in the article that the quality of distance learning of future primary school teachers is influenced by the successful organization of pedagogical support for students, which includes productive interpersonal interaction between teacher and students throughout the educational process.

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