
This article showcases the importance of the factor of Polish-Ukrainian cooperation in the relations of both countries with the NATO Alliance, and particularly how it affects Ukraine’s efforts of Euro-Atlantic integration. The study indicates that the Polish-Ukrainian relations themselves were a catalyst of internal Ukrainian political support for Ukraine–NATO cooperation; Polish governmental officials assisted their Ukrainian counterparts in reform implementation, as well as certain parts of Ukraine’s NATO policies. These tendencies are similar to the Polish «advocacy» regarding Ukraine's integration into the EU, but they have significant differences in the wider range of actors in international relations surrounding the peculiarities of the processes of Atlantic integration. The implementation of reforms can be seen as Ukraine’s «homework» before an official ascension to the ranks of NATO. However, these positive developments are sidelined by the issues of Ukraine’s geopolitical situation past 2014, as well as internal political issues. Studying archival documents of regional administrations, the Polish support in implementing pro-NATO policies can be seen on a regional level, as well as across the country as whole.

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