
All Praises to Almighty Allah, who created the heavens and the earth, made the darkness and light. He is the Allah who guides whomever he wants and deviate from right path whomever he wants and that person will not find a guardian for himself better than Allah. In addition, blessings and peace be upon the most honorable creation of Allah, our master Muhammad bin Abdullah, and upon his beloved family and devoted companions, and upon those who followed them with gracefully until the Day of Judgment. Non-Arabic speaking students face multiple problems in learning basic skills of the Arabic language. Many of them do not have the necessary competencies in mastering and practicing Arabic language skills. Recent studies and research have proven that language skills play a large and important role in this era, where social and technological communication tools have developed surprisingly. Although the skills affect each other, many students face problems and difficulties in linguistic communication with others as well as how to choose sentences and structures and understand the meaning. The researcher believes that the difficulty of learning basic skills in the Arabic language is because of the lack of accurate use of educational aids and their proper employment in teaching skills, especially speaking skill. As well as the accuracy of presenting and displaying it to the students, so that it positively affects the students' minds and their level of understanding and thinking. So that the teacher can reach out to the desired results that he seeks to achieve. Among the matters related to the subject of teaching and learning skills (which calls for finding solutions and addressing them) is represented in the misconceptions and the negative perception of the teacher towards educational aids and neglecting their use. In addition to the inability of some teachers to how to use the tools and methods of optimal use during the educational process and to employ their characteristics and advantages to teach skills. Each educational method has its own characteristics and advantages that distinguish it from others, especially modern educational methods that have a great ability to motivate and inspire students and to grab their attention and encourage them to teach and learn the Arabic language and its skills.

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